The dog days of summer are upon us!  This is a perfect time for backyard barbeques and dips in a swimming pool.  While chlorinated pools may not be environmentally-friendly, they are as welcome and refreshing as a tall glass of ice cold lemonade on a hot day.  Have you thought about decreasing your Fort Lauderdale home’s carbon footprint?  It’s easier than you may think and you can start with your swimming pool.

Coral Ridge Swimming Pool Home

8 Tips For A More Eco-Friendly Swimming Pool In Fort Lauderdale

1.  Use natural materials.  If you are installing a pool, consider using natural materials such a stone instead of less eco-friendly materials like vinyl or concrete.  You get extra points if the natual materials used are quarried locally.

2.  Install a pool cover.  Up to 70 percent of a pool’s heat loss is caused by evaporation. A cover will also keep chemicals from polluting the atmosphere and will help keep the pool cleaner when it’s not in use.  You get extra points if your pool cover is made from organic or recycled materials!

3.  Lower the water temperature. Consider lowering the temperature during the months your pool is heated. You get extra points if your can reduce the days or months your pools is heated.  Bonus points can be earned if you install a solar water heater!  (Your energy bill will thank you)

4.  Maintain pool equipment.  Like your car, well maintained pool equipment is more efficient and will last longer before it needs to be replaced.

5.  Install a water-saving filter.  When your filter needs replacing, consider using a water-saving pool filter to reduce the amount of water used for back-flushing.

6.  Add a screen enclosure around your pool.  Keeping foreign object our of your pool means less cleaning and chemicals.

7.  Convert your chorinated pool to salt water.  Salt water pools have a lower evaporation rate, use fewer chemicals and won’t turn your hair or jewelry green!

8.  Go all the way green.  Convert your pool to a putting green, vegetable garden or skate boarding park.  Warning, this step will require lots and lots of tall glasses of ice cold lemonade.

If you don’t have a swimming pool, but are thinking about purchasing a new Fort Lauderdale home; now may be the time to consider  homes in Fort Lauderdale with a swimming pool!  Once you purchase your new home, you can make the swimming pool more environmentally friendly and enjoy relief from the dog days of summer!