Tips on cleaning with white bread in your luxury Fort Lauderdale home.

Cleaning With White Bread

To remove finger prints and smudges from walls, roll a piece of semi-stale white bread into a ball and rub it over the affected area. Be sure to remove the crust first. Before you know it, your walls will be smudge-free again.

Oil Paintings
No matter how much you clean, dust continues to form. When dust collects on your oil paintings, it can make restoration expensive. Your best defense to restoration is dusting weekly. Instead of reaching for a feather duster, consider using white bread. It won’t leave a residue on your precious paintings, and it’s good at picking up dust without pulling up anything you want left on your painting. Gently dab a slice or two of white bread on the surface of your painting to pick up dust, dirt and grime.

Shattered Glass
When glass is broken, it can be challenging to pick up all the tiny pieces. Even though the pieces of glass are tiny, they can still cause a lot of pain if they are stepped on. Once you’ve picked up all the large pieces of glass, use a slice of bread to get the tiny slivers. Be sure to dispose of the bread carefully and right away, to avoid contact with curious children and pets.

Learn about the other Unusual Household Cleaners.